Saturday, July 4, 2009


My sarcasm has always taken me by surprise. Even when i don't mean to, i invariably end up being sarcastic. I sit to contemplate very often about the fact that sarcasm seems to be a family trait. When i am out socialising, i see sarcasm as a part of the Punjabi culture. We seem to be born with sarcasm in our blood. Everybody is trying to surpass the other in levels of sarcasm. Try as hard i cant get out of the intricate web of sarcasm. My young cousins seem to be much better at it.
I try to delve into the levels of sarcasm. Is it me? my family? my society?

Sample this, last weekend, I had been to the vegetable market to buy mangoes for making pickles. Standing solemnly beside the vendor, in the excruciating heat, I heard the exchange between him and a potential buyer. The buyer asked the price of mangoes. he just wanted to know the price with no intention to buy. The vendor said why ask the price of sandalwood before your funeral !!!! . The vendor takes a filmy pause before adding if you don't want to buy, don't bother asking the price before hand. The poor buyer walked off mutely. I am flabbergasted!

Is sarcasm a part of the larger Indian culture or goes much beyond?

I am still thinking